
Hello everyone,

Finally my first blog.

I have been thinking about how to start out with this. I have lots of ideas for this section. Between exercise, stretching, nutrician/recipes, massage and lifestyle, I will start with answering one of the most common questions I get in the health field. "What is a balanced workout?"

In a world of over complicating things, I like to keep things as simple, effective and stress free as possible. A balanced workout is as simple as picking a few fundamental moves of the human body and do them in a circuit format to get the most benefit out of the workout. Moves like a squat, chest press, row, mountain climbers and a plank would be a great workout to start with. Performing this circuit with minimal rest between exercises 3-5 times through would take about 20-30mins to complete.

You should always check with your physician to make sure all is well to go ahead with any workout and always include stretching after each workout to relieve post workout muscle soreness.

Hopefully this is somewhat helpful and I can expand on this in the future to include stretches and other helpful tips on fitness and lifestyle.

Contact me if you would like help with your lifestyle goals at or cell#905 751-5450.


Murray Michalicka RMT, PTS

Murray Michalicka